Quality Assurance Projects
Quality Assurance Framework and Monitoring System
Supported by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC), ECA is developing a statewide Quality Assurance System for use across each OEC funded Technical Assistance activity. The work entails 1) conducting statewide needs assessments to determine consultation and professional learning needs across program settings to inform TA strategies for OEC guidance to contractors; 2) defining quality assurance criteria, assessment tools, and rubrics; and 3) implementing quality assurance process including conducting field tests to refine the scope of QA criteria and process for implementation.
Quality Consultation, Coaching, and TA
Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education, ECA has developed training for the Commonwealth’s designated coaches through professional learning communities, webinars, a dedicated website, newsletters, and a Facebook page. The work emphasized. High-quality coaching practices, using data to support coaching and program quality, integrating the CLASS into the curriculum and day-to-day instructional practices, evidence-based practice, and supporting leaders to engage in instructional conversations and provide intentional formative feedback. Developed content for coaching orientation training, developed a consistent process and reporting forms, including coaching applications, agreements, logs, and action plans.
Core Knowledge and Core Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals
Directed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, ECA created examples of what each competency statement looks like in practice. Descriptions targeted each user group in the mixed service delivery system- school-based programs, center-based, family child care, and out-of-school time. We reformatted the CKCC document to increase accessibility, ease of use, and clarity. Seven competency areas organize the competencies. Each area has multiple competency statements. Each statement has levels that correspond to the vertical movement described above based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Development of Child Care Licensing Manuals, Vermont State Department for Children and Families, Child Development Division
ECA created Guidance Manuals to accompany Vermont’s new Child Care Licensing Regulations for Afterschool Child Care Programs, Registered and Licensed Family Child Care Homes and Center Based Programs. The goal of the Guidance Manuals was to provide clarity on what compliance to the regulations looks like. The Guidance Manuals represent an important step towards ensuring consistency of interpretation of the regulations among providers and licensed field specialists in the different educational settings.
Grandparents and Kinship Care Providers
ECA developed a unique curriculum focused entirely on supporting grandparents who have primary custody of their children. Grandparents and other kin have important and often unanswered questions ranging from meeting new expectations of parenting to getting extra help at school. ECA products for grandparents and kin caregivers of young children help them navigate the often complicated worlds of education and parenting. Read more.