ECA is a Certified CLASS Observer

ECA is a Certified CLASS Observer

Interested in using the CLASS assessment for your Birth to Grade 3 Classroom? ECA is certified as a licensed observer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System at the infant, toddler, pre-k and K-3 levels.  CLASS, a tool that has been validated in thousands of...
Lowell Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Team

Lowell Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Team

  ECA is helping the Lowell Massachusetts Public Schools in its ongoing effort to provide ever-improving high quality of early education to children. The 2013 Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Project is targeted at supporting early education and care and public school...
The Ounce of Prevention’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference

The Ounce of Prevention’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference

Dr. Linda Warren will present at The Ounce of Prevention’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference on Promoting School Readiness: Engaging Families and Communities.  The Ounce’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference, to be held at the Illinois Institute of Technology...


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