Interested in using the CLASS assessment for your Birth to Grade 3 Classroom? ECA is certified as a licensed observer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System at the infant, toddler, pre-k and K-3 levels. CLASS, a tool that has been validated in thousands of...
ECA is helping the Lowell Massachusetts Public Schools in its ongoing effort to provide ever-improving high quality of early education to children. The 2013 Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Project is targeted at supporting early education and care and public school...
ECA is pleased to announce new work with the Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency to conduct strategic planning for Head Start and Early Head Start programs. ECA will redesign the service delivery model and shift the work of teachers so that they can support...
Dr. Linda Warren will present at The Ounce of Prevention’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference on Promoting School Readiness: Engaging Families and Communities. The Ounce’s 2012 Head Start Pre-Service Conference, to be held at the Illinois Institute of Technology...
Linda Warren, ECA’s President, will be a featured presenter with her colleagues from UMASS Boston—Mary Lu Love and Lisa Van Thiel – at the 21st NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development to be held on June 10-13th in Indianapolis, Indiana. ...