Early Childhood Special Education Program Evaluations

Early Childhood Special Education Program Evaluations

 Many children enter the special education system as preschoolers, making it an ideal time to analyze and strengthen early childhood program and services. ECA uses a mixed method data collection process to evaluate current early childhood special education systems and...
Preschool Development Birth-5 Grantees Announced

Preschool Development Birth-5 Grantees Announced

Congratulations Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Birth-5 grantees! The work you are embarking on is important—far too many young children do not have access to high quality, affordable early education. Your strategic plan along with strong partnerships will impact...
Leadership Matters

Leadership Matters

What are the characteristics of great leadership in early education and care? At the Early Childhood Strategic Leadership Institute on June 14th sponsored by ECA and Wellesley College, we explored that question. Amy O’Leary, NAEYC President led the closing panel where...


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