Many children enter the special education system as preschoolers, making it an ideal time to analyze and strengthen early childhood program and services.

ECA uses a mixed method data collection process to evaluate current early childhood special education systems and service delivery by…

  • Examining assessment tools and eligibility processes
  • Analyzing IEP development and implementation of functional goals
  • Assessing placement in the least restrictive environments

Using the latest research and guidance from the Departments of ED and HHS, and OSEP Child Outcomes; ECA has helped school districts with…

  • Continued quality improvement efforts for preschool classrooms with emphasis on supporting children with disabilities through enhanced access, participation, and supports
  • Reducing the amount of time children spend in substantially separate programs and pull out services

The expertise ECA brings to this process…

Linda Warren has a doctorate in Early Childhood and Special Education with a secondary focus on Educational Research. She has experience as a pupil personnel services director and a special education teacher. She taught in the Special Education Department at the University of Hawaii and Wheelock College. Other districts have benefited from her evaluations and recommendations.

Ann Ramminger was part of the UW Madison Waisman Center, a Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She has coordinated statewide special education efforts and grants. Ann also has experience in developing collaborative relationships with community partners.

ECA Advances School Readiness in Lowell, Massachusetts

In January 2013, Early Childhood Associates began a partnership with the Lowell Public Schools and the Lowell Early Childhood Advisory Council to coordinate Lowell’s Birth to Third Grade Alignment reform efforts.  ECA’s task has been to develop a cross-sector...

Aligning Systems Birth to Grade Three

The goal of alignment planning is to sharpen and concretize the design and implementation of early education and care services to ensure a viable, cohesive, high quality, community-wide effort for young children.  Based on our experience doing RTT-ELC (Race to the Top...

ECA is a Certified CLASS Observer

ECA is a Certified CLASS Observer

Interested in using the CLASS assessment for your Birth to Grade 3 Classroom? ECA is certified as a licensed observer of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System at the infant, toddler, pre-k and K-3 levels.  CLASS, a tool that has been validated in thousands of...

Lowell Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Team

Lowell Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Team

  ECA is helping the Lowell Massachusetts Public Schools in its ongoing effort to provide ever-improving high quality of early education to children. The 2013 Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Project is targeted at supporting early education and care and public school...


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